Film Screening

The Thinking Molecules of Titan will have a screening as part of the GenCon Film Festival. The film will be playing in the Sci-Fi short film block on August 6, 2016 at 9:00 PM in Indianapolis, IN.

Image courtesy of Krishna Bala Shenoi

The Thinking Molecules of Titan is a short film based off of a short story started by Roger Ebert.


During his final days in the hospital, Roger Ebert began writing a science-fiction story called the Thinking Molecules of Titan. The story was a throwback to tales that he wrote and read as a younger man, but unfortunately, he was never able to finish it.

In June of 2013, Roger's wife Chaz posted the unfinished story on her blog. This post included a contest to finish The Thinking Molecules of Titan. Entries were posted on the blog along with original artwork by Krishna Bala Shenoi, one of Roger's Far-Flung Correspondents.

These entries varied greatly in style and tone, but all tried to honor Roger Ebert in one way or another. One ending to the story took it in a different direction, though.


Filmmaker Andrew Stengele, an official videographer for Roger Ebert's Film Festival, decided to finish The Thinking Molecules of Titan not as a short story, but as a short film. Patrick Wang, whose film In The Family was a big hit at Ebertfest 2013, was brought on to work on finishing the story. Together, along with much of the Champaign-Urbana filmmaking community, they have created a film that they hope will honor the legacy of Roger Ebert.

Banner image courtesy of Matt Wiley.
Film produced by Forced Perspective Entertainment.
Copyright 2013 - Andrew Stengele